Tank and the Bangas, winners of NPR's Tiny Desk Contest and bringers of joy.
Welcome to another edition of Mental Health Monday. As usual, we've got some awesome content to inspire, inform, and assist you on your voyage to emotional and mental wellness. We're tardy to the Tank and the Bangas party, but we're currently pressed to become her BFF and be into everything she's into because where have they been all our lives? They recently won NPR's Tiny Desk contest, and gained millions of new admirers in the process. Add us to the list. Go forth and be joyous.
"Michelle Obama surprises D.C. students, talks struggles and life goals for two hours" by Perry Stein [Washington Post]
"At one point, a student told Obama of her struggles living in a shelter, and Obama walked the student through steps she could take to achieve her goals. Another student, Williams, told the former first lady she wants to be an anesthesiologist.
“She told me not to let anything get in the way, and she said don’t go back and help everyone until you get where you want to be,” said Williams, who has a 2-year-old son.
Fuller said one student, 18-year-old Vonte Walker, had never talked about his ambitions in school. Since Obama’s visit, he’s been telling the staff of his college plans."
"101 Self-Care Suggestions for When It All Feels Like Too Much" by Annie Wright [The Mighty]
"So if you or someone you love is going through one of these tough times right now, a time where it all just feels like too much, I want to offer up 101 suggestions for self-care to help you or your loved one get through this time.
1. Have a good, long, body-shaking cry.
2. Call a trusted friend or family member and talk it out."
"Trauma From Slavery Can Actually Be Passed Down Through Your Genes" by Lincoln Blades [Teen Vogue]
"Dr. Rachel Yehuda, professor of psychiatry at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, has conducted a depth of research into epigenetics and the intergenerational transmission of trauma. In layman's terms, she is researching how serious incidents of trauma (i.e. slavery, holocaust, etc.) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be passed down through generations in shared family genes. Her research has revealed that when people experience trauma, it changes their genes in a very specific and noticeable way, so when those people have children and their genes are passed down to their children, the children also inherit the genes affected by trauma."
"Meet Jeff, Lauren and Lloyd, three different people who share one common experience—their lives have been transformed by speaking up for mental health. The film provides a glimpse into their lives and their diagnoses—which include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety—ultimately weaving together a story about how speaking up is key to living well. Beyond Silence, directed by Shaul Schwarz and executive produced by Demi Lovato, celebrates the strength, perseverance and dedication of these courageous individuals determined to break through the silence often associated with mental illness and help others along the way."
Watch Beyond Silence here.
"Chrissy Teigen Opens Up for the First Time About Her Postpartum Depression" by Chrissy Teigen [Glamour]
"I went back to work on Lip Sync Battle in August, when Luna was four months. The show treated me incredibly well—they put a nursery in my dressing room and blew up photos of Luna and John and my family for my wall. When Luna was on set, they lowered the noise levels. They turned down the air so she wouldn’t be cold. Only the most gentle knocking on the door. Pump breaks. I mean, there was no better place to get to go back to work to.
But I was different than before. Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my shoulders—even my wrists—hurt. I didn’t have an appetite. I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me. One thing that really got me was just how short I was with people."
"When You're 'Too Functional' to Have Your Mental Illness Taken Seriously" by Karen Lowinger [The Mighty]
"I can be dying inside while going through the motions of the day. It’s not difficult for me to know how others expect me to act. Acting fine is a cognitive process. You can probably mention right now how an emotionally stable or “mentally sane” person is supposed to act. It really is simple. A generally accepted lifestyle is one where a person wakes up every day, looks presentable, takes care of stuff that needs to be taken care of, eats and goes to sleep. This can sometimes be done regardless of how you feel inside. To say it’s difficult is an understatement, but it’s not impossible."
Demi Lovato discusses her journey with bipolar disorder. [Be Vocal]
"Getting a diagnosis was kind of a relief. It helped me start to make sense of the harmful things I was doing to cope with what I was experiencing.
Now I had no choice but to move forward and learn how to live with it, so I worked with my health care professional and tried different treatment plans until I found what works for me."
Are you a Black mental health professional? Do you do yoga, reiki, massage therapy, herbology, bootcamps, or crystal work? Alex is building a database of Black wellness professionals and practitioners. Be a pal and submit your info to be included in the directory.
Have a mental health-related article, video, event, or resource we should know about? Send it our way!
Previous Mental Health Monday posts:
Mental Health Monday #6: Virtual Therapy, Curbing Self-Doubt, and Motherhood With Mental Illness
Mental Health Monday: Mindfulness, Soldiers with Autism, and Treating Schizophrenia with Weed
Mental Health Monday: Meditating Kids, Trap Yoga, and Boxers with Bipolar Disorder
Mental Health Monday: Hey, Go Check In On Someone
Mental Health Monday: Stock up on self-care. Winter is here.
Mental Health Monday: Here's to a hateration-free 2017.
Mental Health Reading Lists 1 | 2 | 3
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