Mental Health

Let's Go To Therapy (Feat. Tonja Renée Stidhum & Shamira Ibrahim)

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In a unique take on our Writers Symposium series, writers Tonja Renée Stidhum (Blavity, Shadow & Act, The Root, etc.) and Shamira Ibrahim (Very Smart Brothas, Washington Post, etc.) explore their ongoing journeys with depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, and mental illness. They bravely detail how they sought the support of their friends and family members, how each of them chose their therapists, and what gave them the will to carry on even in their darkest hours. 

More Tonja:

"My Name Is Tonja. And I Think About Committing Suicide" | Website | Twitter | Instagram 

More Shamira:

"Body Image and Me: My Struggle With Body Dysmorphia" | Website | Twitter 

Listen, comment, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Soundcloud, or your platform of choice aaaand leave us a five-star review.

Holiday Happiness (feat. Quinn Gee of Magnolia Mental Health)

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The holidays aren't happy for everyone. So we're joined by psychotherapist Quinn Gee of Magnolia Mental Health to discuss how factors like the winter weather, economic anxiety, and our current political climate adversely affect our mental health during the holidays, the importance of establishing healthy boundaries, and how to support your friends and family suffering from mental illness without losing yourself in the process. Additionally, Alex has fond memories of that LaFace Christmas album, the verdict is still out on if Jay has been naughty or nice, and CyHi's new album gets our seal of approval. Music courtesy of Little Ry Mu$!c.

More Quinn: Magnolia Mental Health 

Listen and subscribe to The Extraordinary Negroes via: iTunes | TuneIn | SoundCloud | Stitcher | Google Play

Hello Brooklyn (feat. Demetria Lucas D'Oyley)

In this episode, we’re joined by author, television personality, and melanated wonder woman Demetria Lucas D’Oyley to discuss her burgeoning multimedia empire, her bouts with self-doubt, which Brooklyn rapper wears the crown, and her journey while expanding her brand beyond writing. Additionally, Alex is to blame for the next podcast civil war, Jay is in dire need of anger management, and podcasting takes a lot of damn work.

More Demetria: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Buy A Belle in Brooklyn: The Go-to Girl for Advice on Living Your Best Single Life

Buy Don't Waste Your Pretty: The Go-to Guide for Making Smarter Decisions in Life & Love

The Afterparty: "Veterans Day" (Feat. Nickolas Gaines)

In this installment of The Afterparty, we discuss the importance of Veterans Day to us as military veterans, how we celebrate both ourselves and our fellow soldiers, and how we reconcile fighting for the same country that often mistreats and oppresses us.

For your convenience, you can listen and subscribe via iTunes and Soundcloud.

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Episode 11: "You Good, Man?" (feat. Nickolas Gaines)

In this episode, fan favorite and National Suicide Prevention Program Director for the U.S. Department of Defense Nickolas Gaines joins us to discuss Kid Cudi’s statement about checking himself into rehab for depression and suicidal thoughts, the pervasiveness and treatment of mental health issues (among Black folks), and much more. Additionally, we discuss the renaissance of great Black television and the controversy around Nate Parker and “The Birth of a Nation.”

For your convenience, you can listen and subscribe via iTunesSoundcloudStitcherMixcloud, TuneIn, and Google Music.

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Love The Extraordinary Negroes and help us continue making magic? Check out our Patreon page to see how you can help. You da bess.

Episode 2: “We Fall Down” (featuring Nickolas Gaines)

In our second episode, we chime in on the ongoing Sugar vs. Salt grits debate, reveal the salacious contents within our phones, and continue our discussion on mental health/illness in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month with our special guest Nickolas Gaines, a Suicide Prevention Program Director for the United States Department of Defense. Oh, and in other news, Nick’s edges are wonderful.

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